The Air Squat

Ok, we will continue for a bit more on different movements. Most of them you already know, yes, but most of the time (come on you know I’m right) you perform them for speed and with bad form. So, why not review and revamp? It is a perfect time.

Whether you are a meat head who loves the metal against your back with a ton of weight just a few inches from your ears or a regular PCV standing in the middle of a abandon field, the squat is the same. Don’t do the ‘Robo Gym’ of loading your bar and dropping barely a few inches, that’s not strength but just pure silliness. The squat is one of the most misused, yet most important, of movements. It’s functionality is endless as we sit down and stand up throughout the whole day. ” “There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat.” (Mark Riptoe) Whether squatting for weight or squatting your frame the technique is the same – get deep, reach for depth. Here’s how. (Post inspiration guided by BlackBox Strength & Condition – My old home gym)

Proper positioning:

– Stance: Shoulder width apart

– Start: with full extension of hips and knees

– Put weight on heels

– Chest up

– Butt progresses back and down while keeping chest up

– Bottom of squat is below parallel (below patella)

– Knees track parallel to feet

– Return to full extension to complete move

WOD: Remember those ladders in high school?


100 m

Rest 1 minute

200 m

Rest 1 minute

300 m

Rest 1 minute

400 m

Rest 1 minute

300 m

Rest 1 minute

200 m

Rest 1 minute

100 m

(if you can’t measure it out, try to go for time of what you think you run these in. It is better than nothing)

About lenaeboykin

Aspiring to be a professional entrepreneur of life. The contents of the web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps. All photographs are my personal photography and are copyrighted 2011 © View all posts by lenaeboykin

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